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Breakfast On The River
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Bumi Hills Airstrip
Self, Bren & Trackers On Sengwa River
Kev Hunting0347

Tracking the Memory

Tracking the Memory is primarily a collection of informative and personal stories about the different experiences of hunting. It is also the culmination of a boyhood enterprise of exploration and discovery that began on a farm in the Chipinga area of British colonial Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) during the mid-1950s and continued along the banks of the majestic Sabi River and lives to this day 55 years on as a lifetime career and passion of the author.

This collection includes firsthand accounts of what it is like to straddle both the romantic, adventurous side of hunting and the modern commercial aspect of an often controversial industry.

Hunting is now a business but we must always remember it was once a way of life.

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